Choose – Part 1

Last time, I told you that it pays to obey God and encouraged you to do so. What I didn’t tell you then is that leading a life of obedience begins with a choice.

No one goes through life accepting everything that’s thrown at them or comes their way.  So, there comes a time in life when you need to make a choice. Some of us even from a very young age have liked some places better than others, placed value on things more highly than people, loved rice more than beans; you get the drift?  Whether you call it choice, preference or option, it doesn’t matter. What really does is that you carefully and thoughtfully select what is by standard, the most beneficial.

Moses was admonishing the people of God to keep the words of the Covenant. He said:

Therefore, obey the terms of this covenant so that you will prosper in everything you do. Deuteronomy 29:9Moral choice - icon by Adioma

The first thing I want you to note today is that choices have consequences – positive and negative.  For example, in the above passage Moses tells them they’ll prosper when they obey, that’s the positive, the benefit! Verses 16-29 however records the negative, the penalty those whose hearts turn away from the Lord would face. Friend, we could from this conclude that the condition of your life right now, whether good or bad is a product of your choice. So, choose wisely!

Moses continues:

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live: Deuteronomy 30:19

I could imagine him stand on top of a rock as the people gather closely, look up and listen attentively, just like my Pastor will mount the pulpit to preach while the congregation sit quietly in the pews with their pen and notepads. He preaches: You have the ability or opportunity to decide the outcome of your life. It is in your best interest to adhere to these terms which would only do you good and not bad if you choose blessing over cursing, life over death. I am not to be blamed if you do otherwise. Decide!

Jesus on this subject said:

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:24

One of the meanings of the word “despise” is to look down on. So, you can have a high opinion of one and look down on the other, God or mammon.  Friend, just like Moses did the people of God then, so do I urge you today.  I don’t know what life has tabled before you but one thing is sure, both things are not as important as the other. Hence you need to make preference and place them in order of priority.

Before you reach that decision, begin to evaluate.  Eg. Which is more important – Short term/ Long term? Waking early to seek God and set the tone for your day or getting more rest by sleeping a little longer to wake just in time to get ready for work.  Both are important, but one is more important. You choose which!

Related Journals:
Choose – Part 2
Choose – Part 3

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